Soe Nsuki

Clubconcert with Soe Nsuki

24 october

Antwerp Symphony Orchestra
Reserveren noodzakelijk
Students €5 - Staff €8

Relaxing evening of music and comedy!

At the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra's Club Concerts, you can enjoy a convivial atmosphere with a short but powerful programme. Expect highlights of classical music, such as Strauss' Also sprach Zarathustra and Alban Berg's Violin Concerto. 🎶

The evening gets an extra twist with comedy of the highest order, brought to you by Antwerp comedian Soe Nsuki, who talks everything together.

After the concert, head to the atrium for a fun afterparty to end your evening in style. Music, humour and relaxation-the perfect mix for a successful evening!

Language spoken between performances: Dutch

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